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Image by Edgar Castrejon

Discover, Cook, Share with Forke Mobile App

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Food Market

Our Features

Discover and Share Recipes

Customise your feed to see your favourite foods made by friends and pros or search for specific cuisines/ingredients/dietary requirements.

Save Recipe Cards

Simply laid out recipe cards with no adverts making it easy to cook new things.

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Our Story

Your Leading Cooking App

What started off as an App to create a space to share the food you and your friends are cooking has grown into an automated and intricate technology making discovering and following recipes easier than ever. Forke has been making users’ lives easier by offering a wide range of easy to use features and recipes through its extensive platform.

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Download Forke Now

Home: About Us


It all sounds great, but what does this App actually do?

At Forke we want it to be easier to find the recipes you want to cook without having to sift through adverts and long unrelated stories. And of course, share the wonderful food you're cooking so your followers can steal your recipes. 

I’ve seen other Apps that serve similar purposes. What makes yours the best?

Our focus is unique, we want to make a incredibly easy to use app and create a positive online community to encourage people to cook more. 

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